About the Bookworm

DSC_0293It's weird to write about yourself, isn't it?  Should I write about my personality or stick to facts?  What do you want to know about me, anyway?  Are you some kind of freak?!

*Ahem* Sorry.

Well, I guess I can tell you I live in Orlando with my parents.  Yep, 25, still living with my parents.  Now you kind of get why I'm trying to move to a different country.  We also have two cats and two dogs, and I have a younger brother in high school.

I've been writing since elementary school.  It was something I did one day as a class assignment and it clicked with me.  It seemed like such a natural extension of my love of reading.  I haven't stopped ever since, and my love of prose led me to earn a BA in Creative Writing.  In the years since college, my passion for acting and films has inspired me to write screenplays and sketches.

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